Projections, connections and instruments of the cooperative principle of education, training and information in the Portuguese legal system
The principle of education, training and information is a strategic principle in cooperatives. It is a condition for the applicability and effectiveness of other principles, namely the principle of democratic member control, voluntary and open membership, and the principle of interest for the community. It is a polyvalent principle, comprising the vectors of education, training and information, addressed to members, elected representatives, leaders, workers of the cooperative and the community. Education and training oriented to the civic, organizational and professional qualification of the cooperators, of the management and supervisory board holders, and the workers will contribute to a better understanding of the models of governance and supervision of the cooperative, strengthening the professionalization of the management and inducing the cooperators to participate actively in their cooperative, to deliberate correctly in the assemblies, to consciously elect its bodies and to control its performance. By addressing the general public, cooperative information allows the dynamic insertion of cooperatives in the community, making them aware of the nature and benefits of cooperation, thus enhancing conscious membership. In Portugal, this principle is projected in the legal status of cooperators, through the recognition of a right to participate in cooperative education and training activities, with the consequent obligation of cooperatives to organize such education, training and information activities, and for this purpose must constitute a reserve, which is absolutely indivisible, constituting one of the significant specificities of the legal regime of Portuguese cooperatives.
Received: 22 June 2020
Accepted: 03 August 2020
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