The principle of cooperative education and its legislative reception

  • Dante Cracogna Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: cooperative principles, cooperative legislation, education


It is generally accepted that cooperative education is a cooperative principle since the very origins of the cooperatives and throughout their history. It is also accepted, and claimed, that legislation recognizes the cooperative principles as characteristics of cooperatives. However, differently from what happens with the other principles, it is not clear the manner in which legislations should take charge of this particular principle bearing in mind its peculiar nature. This paper analyzes education in the experience and in the doctrine of cooperatives along the history paying attention to its sense and evolution through time and the varying contextual conditions. From this platform its outlook is considered in the field of cooperative legislation pointing the mechanisms that are designed for its reception in a declared o implicit form, trying to determine the degree to which they effectively materialize the principle or, instead, just become a mere declaration without any practical effect. Further a case is studied and finally it is noted both the importance of the principle and the difficulty to achieve its real application.

Received: 26 June 2020
Accepted: 25 July 2020


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Author Biography

Dante Cracogna, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Profesor consultor de Derecho Comercial


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How to Cite
Cracogna, Dante. 2020. “The Principle of Cooperative Education and Its Legislative Reception”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 57 (November), 21-37.