The good cooperative person educated and committed as a fiduciary standard of conduct applicable to the particular subjects of cooperative law: a doctrinal proposal for Latin America
Latin American Cooperative Law lacks a specialized legal regulation on the fiduciary duties of the special subjects of Cooperative Law, specifically designed according to the philosophical precepts and values of cooperativism. In some jurisdictions there is even the practice of resorting to the use of behavioral archetypes developed in other contexts of Business Law, whose application within Cooperative Law is contrary to its philosophical essence. We maintain that the development and consolidation of Cooperative Law would require the elaboration of legal behavioral standards specifically designed to govern the particular subjects of Cooperative Law. On the basis of the broad philosophical literature examined, we propose the incorporation within the normative bodies of Latin American Cooperative Law of a fiduciary standard specially constructed to govern the conduct of such subjects, namely: the archetype of good, educated and committed cooperative persons.
Received: 21 May 2024
Accepted: 05 November 2024
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