Cooperative act and dissolution of cooperative society: a brazilian historical-legislative analysis
The objective of this research is to analyze the Brazilian historical-legislative evolution of the cooperative act and the dissolution of the cooperative society, since Decree No. 1.637 of 1907, through Decree No. 22.239 of 1932, Decree No. 24.647 of 1934, Decree-Law No. 581 of 1938, Decree-Law No. 5.893 of 1943, Decree-Law No. 8.401 of 1945, Decree-Law No. 59 of 1966, Law No. 5.764 of 1971 and the Civil Code of 2002. A documentary and bibliographic research is carried out, from the 1907 norm to the current norm, emphasizing each of the themes. The result will allow us to conclude, through the deductive method, whether there is normative stability.
Received: 29 February 2024
Accepted: 17 October 2024
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