The economic participation of cooperative members: traditional cooperatives, self-managed and co-managed cooperatives of Costa Rica

  • Roxana Sánchez Boza National University of Costa Rica
Keywords: cooperatives, economic rights, types of cooperatives, surpluses, decisions of public entities


Costa Rica maintains its cooperative law dating back to 1968, with some reforms that have not changed its letter regarding the treatment of co-operative principles. The cooperative legislation has been enriched, in recent decades, with the participation of the attorney General of the Republic, the courts and especially with the analysis of the Cooperative law, conducted by the National Institute of Development Cooperative, in their task of clarifying the doubts that cooperative entities and co-operatives propose to them, as a product of their daily lives in their cooperative organizations. Based on the sources mentioned, the position of the costa rican cooperative legislation is communicated against the third cooperative principle related to the economic participation of the partners, according to the different parts that this principle has and how it affects the relationship of the associates with the cooperative, as well as the rights that derive from it, in the economic field..

Received: 31 May 2018
Accepted: 17 September 2018
Published online: 21 December 2018


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Author Biography

Roxana Sánchez Boza, National University of Costa Rica
Dra. Roxana Sánchez Boza, Catedrática de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Derecho


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How to Cite
Sánchez Boza, Roxana. 2018. “The Economic Participation of Cooperative Members: Traditional Cooperatives, Self-Managed and Co-Managed Cooperatives of Costa Rica”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 53 (December), 37-65.