Relations between the subjects of the non-state Cuban sector: the Self-Employed worker in the Non-Agricultural Cooperatives

  • María del Pilar Mesa Mejías Universidad de Pinar del Río
Keywords: self-employed workers, the non-agricultural cooperatives, Cuba


Governments are obliged to respond to the growing social problems affecting their systems, through their legal systems, introducing figures such as multiple employment and multiple activity, to avoid the paralysis of the country’s development and guarantee the protection of the rights of its citizens. Cuba is immersed in a transcendental process of updating the economic model, following the 6th Congress of the Communist Party, which responds to the need to face the economic crisis unleashed from the so-called «Special Period», a direct consequence of the influence of the situations that were generated in the international arena. As a corollary to this process, the Cuban government decided to encourage the development of private business or projects, individual or collective, integrated into the non-state sector of the economy. Here we find the Self-Employed Workers and the Non-Agricultural Cooperatives. These two forms of management have their own regulations, where the rules of their operation are established. The legislation that regulates the sector of Non-Agricultural Cooperatives, provides for the possibility of mixing these two, emerging special relationships, which constitute the aim of the present paper: the member, Self-Employed Worker.

Received: 11 June 2018
Accepted: 09 April 2019
Published online: 22 July 2019


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Author Biography

María del Pilar Mesa Mejías, Universidad de Pinar del Río

Secretaria de la Asamblea General


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How to Cite
Mesa Mejías, María del Pilar. 2019. “Relations Between the Subjects of the Non-State Cuban Sector: The Self-Employed Worker in the Non-Agricultural Cooperatives”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 54 (July), 131-44.