On the limitation of the liability of the cooperative members

  • Fernando Sacristán Bergia King Juan Carlos University
Keywords: cooperative, liability of cooperative partners


This paper addresses the study of the regulation of liability of cooperative partners within the framework of the current legislation. It analyses the main problems of interpretation that arise from the proliferation of laws for each Autonomous Community and the lack of standardized treatment. The author contrasts his thesis on the limited liability of partners with a selection of our Courts case law.

Received: 01 June 2020
Accepted: 06 August 2020


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Author Biography

Fernando Sacristán Bergia, King Juan Carlos University
Profesor Titular de Derecho mercantil de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Abogado.


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How to Cite
Sacristán Bergia, Fernando. 2020. “On the Limitation of the Liability of the Cooperative Members”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 57 (November), 225-51. https://doi.org/10.18543/baidc-57-2020pp225-251.