The cooperative principle of education, training and information from a historical and doctrinal perspective

  • Alejandro Martínez Charterina University of Deusto
Keywords: cooperatives, cooperative identity, cooperative principles


The principle of education has reasonably been considered the “golden standard” of cooperativism. It is the gateway to knowledge of the essential characteristics of the cooperative and to the exercise of the rights and responsabilities of the partners. At the same time it brings the cooperative as a company close to society, and specially to young people who can find in it a satisfactory future, continuing the cooperative movement through the time.

Received: 03 June 2020
Accepted: 19 September 2020


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Author Biography

Alejandro Martínez Charterina, University of Deusto
Catedrático Emérito de la Universidad de Deusto


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How to Cite
Martínez Charterina, Alejandro. 2020. “The Cooperative Principle of Education, Training and Information from a Historical and Doctrinal Perspective”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 57 (November), 133-45.