Cooperation among cooperatives: principle or need?

  • Dante Cracogna Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: cooperative principles, cooperation among cooperatives, International Cooperative Alliance


The article starts dealing with the meaning of the word «principle» from the point of view both of philosophy and grammar. Against that background it goes on considering specifically the principle of cooperation among cooperatives exploring briefly about its historical origins and the incorporation into the cooperative doctrine in different stages up to the Statement on the Cooperative Identity approved by the ICA Centennial Congress in 1995. The following paragraphs are devoted to the economic meaning of the principle and the influence of the law on its application in a world of a highly competitive economy. Finally, the author concludes with a reference to the meaning of this principle as «cooperative integration» in the sense of uniting the different parts of a whole and the ideas of different authors that lead to the synthesis of principle and need.

Received: 10 February 2021
Accepted: 07 July 2021


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Author Biography

Dante Cracogna, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Profesor consultor de Derecho Comercial, Facultad de Derecho.


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How to Cite
Cracogna, Dante. 2021. “Cooperation Among Cooperatives: Principle or Need?”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 59 (December), 75-87.