Analysis of the social economy enterprises strategies’s for the economic reactivation in the Municipality of Santa Marta

  • Andrea Carolina Rodriguez Fernandez Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia
  • José Javier Nuvaez Castillo Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia
Keywords: association, solidarity economy, companies, unsatisfied basic needs, postcovid


The solidarity economy has generated great social transformations from the economic perspective of companies. Thus, according to the principles of association, cooperation, solidarity and satisfaction of basic needs, these structures are presented as an alternative that tends to mitigate the negative effects of social problems such as marginalization, poverty and exclusion, which were aggravated by the pandemic caused by Covid-19. Under these guidelines, this research establishes the purpose of analyzing the actions implemented for the economic recovery of the District of Santa Marta from the perspective of the solidarity economy.

Received: 26 August 2022
Accepted: 02 May 2023


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Author Biographies

Andrea Carolina Rodriguez Fernandez, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia

Docente Investigador, Miembro del grupo de investigación UCCIDERGRUP, Líder del Semillero de Economía Social y Solidaria de la Facultad de Derecho – Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Campus Santa Marta

José Javier Nuvaez Castillo, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia

Coordinador del Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Derecho – Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Miembro y Líder del grupo de investigación UCCIDERGRUP.


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How to Cite
Rodriguez Fernandez, Andrea Carolina, and José Javier Nuvaez Castillo. 2023. “Analysis of the Social Economy Enterprises strategies’s for the Economic Reactivation in the Municipality of Santa Marta”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 62 (July), 95-107.