The Spanish constitutional reform of 2024 on disability and the cooperative alternative for the social and labour insertion of people with disabilities
The reform of Article 49 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 in the field of disability has meant an important regulatory change, both in the terminology used and in the conception of the protection of people with disabilities, in order to guarantee their full personal autonomy and social inclusion. And, as we know, cooperatives can play a very relevant role in this respect in the socio-labour field. A joint use of constitutional specialities can be very useful. It would be a matter of building a solid legal basis to justify ‘bold’ measures in this field, combining the effective protection of persons with disabilities in the new Article 49, the constitutional coverage of the differential treatment that can be given to cooperatives by virtue of the constitutional obligation to promote them through appropriate legislation (Article 129. 2), the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of disability (Article 14) and the promotion of positive action measures to achieve real and effective equality (Article 9.2), also provided for in the international human rights treaties and agreements ratified by Spain, which are also a canon for the interpretation of Spanish legislation on fundamental rights and freedoms (Article 10.2).
Received: 31 May 2024
Accepted: 03 October 2024
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