Situation and prospects for credit cooperativism in Spain in view of the future and uncertain reform of its legal system

  • Carlos Vargas Vasserot Universidad de Almería
Keywords: rural credit banks, credit unions, credit cooperative, financial crisis, integration, financial system reform


In this paper will be analyzed the legal framework of Credit Unions in Spain and the evolution of the institution to reach the current troubled situation in which, after the financial crisis experienced in recent years, is intensely debated what the future of the sector should be with an announced reform of its legal system.

Received: 03 June 2015
Accepted: 17 July 2015
Published online
: 18 December 2015


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How to Cite
Vargas Vasserot, Carlos. 2015. “Situation and Prospects for Credit Cooperativism in Spain in View of the Future and Uncertain Reform of Its Legal System”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 49 (November), 115-35.