Cooperative credit banks and regional growth: creation of a local development model and analysis of the «G. Toniolo» Cooperative Credit Bank in San Cataldo

  • Massimo Cermelli University of Deusto
Keywords: banks of cooperative credit, development and territorial growth, italian case-study


The economic crisis has called into question not only the banking systems, but also the development model. Cooperative credit banks have returned to occupy a central role, demonstrating with his broad background that another way of providing financial services can exist. In Italy, cooperative credit banks are principal players in the banking economic system. One of those banks is the «G. Toniolo», which has become over the years a reference in the local banking system.

Received: 07 June 2015
Accepted: 30 July 2015
Published online
: 18 December 2015


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How to Cite
Cermelli, Massimo. 2015. “Cooperative Credit Banks and Regional Growth: Creation of a Local Development Model and Analysis of the «G. Toniolo» Cooperative Credit Bank in San Cataldo”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 49 (November), 181-93.