New technologies in business: with particular reference to cooperatives

  • Aida Llamosas Trápaga University of Deusto
Keywords: globalization, society of knowledge, new technologies and cooperatives


Today the impact of new technologies in all areas of society is undeniable. Its numerous advantages have made that these tools will become indispensable for communication and increase the productivity. So there have been many companies that have incorporated these means, not without certain legal difficulties due to the traditional lack of regulation. But what has happened in the case of cooperatives? Can they take advantage of the benefits of new technologies?

Received: 31 May 2015
Accepted: 30 July 2015
Published online
: 18 December 2015


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How to Cite
Llamosas Trápaga, Aida. 2015. “New Technologies in Business: With Particular Reference to Cooperatives”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 49 (November), 307-20.