The participation of cooperativism in public policies

  • Vega María Arnáez Arce University of Deusto
Keywords: participation and democratic management, public management, participative planning, coordination, Cooperative Board of Euskadi


This work tackles one of the most outstanding manifestations of the evolution of administrative law at the present time: its focus on interaction with citizens who are demanding an increasingly active role and greater participation in planning, executing and assessing public policy. The study proposes a closer look at the meaning, scope and organisation of Basque cooperative participation in public policy through its leading representative body, the Cooperative Board of Euskadi.

Received: 11 May 2012
Accepted: 20 June 2012
Published online: 18 December 2015


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Author Biography

Vega María Arnáez Arce, University of Deusto

Doctora en Derecho. Profesora de Derecho Administrativo. Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Deusto

How to Cite
Arnáez Arce, Vega María. 2012. “The Participation of Cooperativism in Public Policies”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 46 (December), 185-99.