Severance pay in associated labour cooperatives

  • Francisco Javier Arrieta Idiakez University of Deusto
Keywords: employment benefits attributable to a termination of an activity, cooperative societies of associated labour, self-employed


This paper aims to examine the consequences of the provisions that regulate the Termination of an Activity for self-employed workers. In particular, the new protection afforded through the Social Security System to members of a Cooperative Society of Associated Labour, with the focus being on regulations that may affect its members.

Received: 25 July 2012
Accepted: 10 September 2012
Published online: 18 December 2015


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Arrieta Idiakez, University of Deusto
Profesor de Derecho del Trabajo
How to Cite
Arrieta Idiakez, Francisco Javier. 2012. “Severance Pay in Associated Labour Cooperatives”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 46 (December), 237-66.