The principle of member economic participation in the light of the new profiles of the mutualistic scope
This study aims to demonstrate that the principle of member economic participation presents a reductive vision for the determination and distribution of economic results in cooperatives. The wording of the principle is based on the idea of a «perfect» cooperative, which operates only with its members and pursues an exclusively and directly mutualistic scope. In recent decades, there has been a reinvention of the cooperative model, which brought with it changes in the cooperative mutualistic scope configuration. These may operate with third parties, may indirectly develop, through subsidiaries, instrumental or complementary activity of their main activity, and may carry out operations outside their cooperative purpose. Thus, in addition to surpluses, cooperatives can produce profits. In order to preserve the mutualistic scope of cooperatives, this cooperative principle should contain guidelines on the necessary socialization of these profits, obligatorily affecting them to indivisible reserves.
Received: 18 June 2018
Accepted: 24 September 2018
Published online: 21 December 2018
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