Regulation in Basque cooperative legislation of the contribution to cooperative education and promotion and other purposes of public interest and issues raised

  • Iñigo Nagore Aparicio Universidad del País Vasco
Keywords: Cooperatives, Education and Promotion Fund, contribution to cooperative education and promotion and other purposes of social interest, endowment, destination, deadlines, channeling, immunity from seizure, control


The article discusses the evolution of the Education and Promotion Fund in Basque cooperative legislation and current state regulation. Recalling the inspiring principles of the International Cooperative Alliance it raises those points of regulation that it believes could be improved.

Received: 09 June 2020
Accepted: 14 August 2020


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Author Biography

Iñigo Nagore Aparicio, Universidad del País Vasco
Doctor en Derecho. Abogado-economista. Profesor ac. Agregado de UPV/EHU (Unibasq)


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How to Cite
Nagore Aparicio, Iñigo. 2020. “Regulation in Basque Cooperative Legislation of the Contribution to Cooperative Education and Promotion and Other Purposes of Public Interest and Issues Raised”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 57 (November), 253-78.