Cooperative Arbitration in Euskadi. Proposals for improvement to provide the SVAC-BITARTU with a greater guarantee

  • Asier Sanz García Asagar Law, Spain
Keywords: arbitration, SVAC-BITARTU, Superior Council of Euskadi Cooperatives, Cooperative Societes, Arbitration Code of Ethics


In the current Social and Economic situation generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have to highlight the primary role that Cooperative Societies have adopted in our Society. However, they are not alien to the conflicts that usually arise between them and their partners and vice versa. Therefore, in the event that the matters of the conflicts are freely available between the parties, they could be solved by extrajudicial means, which have gained a special role in our society. In this way, this author considers it opportune to make a series of improvement proposals regarding the Arbitration Procedure of the Higher Council of Cooperatives of Euskadi (SVAC-BITARTU) to provide it with even greater guarantees than it currently has.

Received: 04 November 2021
Accepted: 20 May 2022


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Author Biography

Asier Sanz García, Asagar Law, Spain

Abogado especializado en Derecho Cooperativo de Euskadi, Asagar Law. MBA en Economía Social. Doctorando por la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea en Derecho Cooperativo de Euskadi.


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How to Cite
Sanz García, Asier. 2022. “Cooperative Arbitration in Euskadi. Proposals for Improvement to Provide the SVAC-BITARTU With a Greater Guarantee”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 60 (July), 157-90.