Limits and contradictions of the Program for the Promotion of the Social Economy 2021-2024 in Mexico
The general objective of the article is to carry out a detailed and multilateral analysis of the Program for the Promotion of the Social Economy 2021-2024, published on December 21, 2021, in order to evaluate its technical consistency and determine its degree of political viability. It should be noted that the exhaustive and detailed analysis of the merit program was complemented and contrasted with various opinions expressed by key informants, including leaders of the cooperative movement, public officials and scholars of the subject. The results show that it is a technically and politically unfeasible programmatic design as it lacks the essential elements of sustainability of any public policy: budget, sufficient and trained personnel, institutional infrastructure, unquestionable legal competences and government support.
Received: 25 June 2022
Accepted: 27 April 2023
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