Law 11/2019 on Co-operatives of the Basque Country and its references for the improvement of the regulation of cooperatives in Cuba
The particular links of proximity that have existed between the legal experience of the Basque Country in terms of cooperatives and that of Cuba support the relevance of examining the possible repercussion of Law 11/2019 «Of Euskadi Cooperatives» on the island. The exposition that follows begins by explaining the perspective that is assumed with respect to legal comparison studies, emphasizing their presence and necessity in the field of Cooperative Law. Next, we proceed to analyze separately different aspects contained in Law 11/2019 «Of Cooperatives in Euskadi» that, due to their advanced and/or novel nature, are of interest to national cooperativism, arguing the spaces and the need to accept the progress introduced by the aforementioned Basque legal disposition.
Received: 02 June 2023
Accepted: 20 November 2023
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