Politics and the construction of Cooperative Political Power as a factor of incidence and competitiveness

  • José Alberto Yorg TECNICOOP, Argentina
  • Ana María Ramírez Zarza TECNICOOP, Argentina
Keywords: cooperativism, politics, public politics, political power, incidence and cooperative political power


This work aims to provide substantial elements for reflection and discussion in areas of interest. It addresses a topic that is little or not at all discussed in spheres of cooperativism, in congresses or meetings, especially in cooperative education, which is the topic of politics in cooperatives and the construction of cooperative political power, understood as a category of political science, not as partisan politics. The thematic approach discusses the need to encourage conciliation between political science and cooperativism, as complementary fields of knowledge and action for the good of the people. We approach from a political point of view: The construction of cooperative political power as a factor of influence and competitiveness in the market and before governments.

Received: 07 July 2023
Accepted: 30 November 2023


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Author Biographies

José Alberto Yorg, TECNICOOP, Argentina

Profesor. Licenciado en Administración. Especialista en Políticas Socioeducativas.

Ana María Ramírez Zarza, TECNICOOP, Argentina

Profesora. Contadora. Licenciada en Administración. Especialista en Políticas Socioeducativas.


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How to Cite
Yorg, José Alberto, and Ana María Ramírez Zarza. 2024. “Politics and the Construction of Cooperative Political Power As a Factor of Incidence and Competitiveness”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 63 (January), 139-51. https://doi.org/10.18543/baidc.2816.

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