The contribution for education and promotion of cooperatives and other public interest purposes – COFIP – in the basque law and its applicability
One of the main peculiarities of the financial regulations of cooperative societies is, undoubtedly, the existence of a mandatory fund whose applicability is expressly regulated and whose endowment is not accessible to the administrators. Basque legislation refers to it as the Contribution for Education and Promotion of Cooperatives and other Public Interest Purposes. Although the characteristics of the legal nature and the purpose of the said Fund have long been the focus of research, it is considered that both, the approval of the new cooperative legislation of the Basque autonomous region and the explicit reference to the fund contained in the approved legislation for the purpose of managing the exceptional situation of emergency generated by the COVID-19, lead to a deeper study of its legal and practical evolution (possible and potential future purposes).
Received: 12 September 2020
Accepted: 06 April 2021
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