Editorial Policies
Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2023:
0.3 (Q3, 267/421, Law)
Journal Citations Indicator (JCI) 2023:
0.63 (Q2, 202/421, Law)
Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) 2023:
0.24 (Q2, Law)
Scopus Cite Score 2023:
1.3 (61th percentile, Law)
Índice Dialnet de Revistas (IDR) 2023:
Derecho (17/355, C1)
Derecho Civil y Mercantil (4/58, C1)
International Association of Cooperative Law
Facultad of Law
University of Deusto
Avenida de las Universidades 24
48007 Bilbao