Review Process

The BAIDC uses a double-blind peer-review system. It provides mandatory anonymity for both reviewers and reviewed author(s) throughout the review process.

Reviews carried out for this Journal are confidential and cannot be disclosed or published in any way whatsoever at any time without prior written authorisation of the copyright owner of the Journal. Only the name of the Journal and the year of review may be disclosed without prior authorisation.

a-Submission compliance check
The Editor, with the assistance of the managing editor and or any other member of the editorial team, makes a first check of conformity of submitted manuscripts with the Journal policy and submission guidelines.

Manuscripts not conforming to the Journal guidelines are returned to authors without evaluation.

b-Assigning reviewers to a submission
The Editor hands each manuscript to two external reviewers. In some cases, the advice of a third reviewer may be sought. The Editor may choose from the database of the OJS users who have registered as “reviewers”.

c-Reviewers’ task
The Reviewer shall confirm acceptance of the task within 7 days of receipt of the invitation from the Editor. If he/she does not, the Editor will assume that he/she cannot perform the assigned task and will contact another reviewer.

For the evaluation of the assigned manuscript, the Reviewer is required to use the standard form designed for that purpose. Once logged on the system, the Reviewer will have two options. He/she can complete the online version and submit it online. Alternatively, the Reviewer can download the WORD version, complete it, and upload it to the OJS platform for the attention of Editor.

Reviewers shall submit their reports to the Editor, through the OJS, within 31 days of receipt of the manuscript for review.

Before submission, reviewers should ensure that all marked fields of the standard review form are duly completed.

Reviewers may make one of the following recommendations:

  • Accept Submission: the manuscript is acceptable as submitted;
  • Revisions Required: the manuscript requires minor changes before it can be published;
  • Review and Resubmit: the manuscript needs major changes and the revised version will undergo a second, final round of review; or
  • Decline Submission: the manuscript should not be published in the Journal.

The Editor will prepare a decision letter based on the comments of the reviewers, which will be sent by email to the corresponding author, again within 7 days.