The regulation in Law 11/2019, of December 20, of Cooperatives of Euskadi and in Law 27/1999, of July 16, of Cooperatives, for working members
This article highlights the right of self-regulation that is recognized for Associated Work Cooperatives —hereinafter CTA— in the regulation of work and disciplinary regimes, as well as the resolution of conflicts between working members. and the CTAs, through judicial or extrajudicial channels, depending on the matter of the dispute, whether or not it is freely available, provided that there is, in the first case, an arbitration clause that makes possible the extrajudicial route, all in accordance with the provisions of the Law 11/2019, of December 20, of Cooperatives of Euskadi —hereinafter LCE— as well as Law 27/1999, of July 16, of supplementary application —hereinafter LE—, complementing the exhibition with some Doctrinal pronouncements and Jurisprudential.
Received: 01 September 2023
Accepted: 17 December 2023
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