The corporate and non-labor relationship of working members and the limitations on hiring employed people in Law 11/2019, of December 20, on Cooperatives of the Basque Country and in Law 27/1999, of July 16, from Cooperatives

  • Asier Sanz García Asagar Law, Spain
Keywords: associated work cooperatives, working members, hiring limitations, employed people, corporate and non-labor relations


Associated Labor Cooperative Societies enjoy great autonomy with regard to their internal operating rules, since they are self-managed by their members, and not through labor ties. In these entities, it is necessary to ensure the appropriate use of the Principle of Self-Regulation by the working members, as well as that they carry out their work in an adequate and effective manner in accordance with the corporate purpose of the entity. At the same time, we must emphasize the primacy of this type of Cooperative Societies with respect to the rest of the classes, both in the economic and social aspects, as the reader will be able to appreciate in the article in its introductory section. A legal study will also be carried out on the corporate and non-labor relationship of the working members of the Cooperative Societies of associated work, as well as on the limitations of hiring employed workers in the cooperatives of associated work. And finally, some brief conclusions will be developed from what is prescribed in this article.

Received: 03 April 2024 
Accepted: 04 November 2024


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Author Biography

Asier Sanz García, Asagar Law, Spain

Abogado especializado en Derecho Cooperativo de Euskadi en Asagar Law. MBA en Economía Social. Doctorando por la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea en Derecho Cooperativo de Euskadi.


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How to Cite
Sanz García, Asier. 2024. “The Corporate and Non-Labor Relationship of Working Members and the Limitations on Hiring Employed People in Law 11/2019, of December 20, on Cooperatives of the Basque Country and in Law 27/1999, of July 16, from Cooperatives”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 65 (December), 205-21.