The Statute of Mercosur Cooperatives

  • Dante Cracogna Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: co-operatives, Mercosur, legislation


The article begins referring to the structure of the Mercosur pointing out the «intergovernmental» nature of its organs according to the prescriptions of the founding Asuncion Treaty and later protocols. That situation is different from what happens in the EU. Next, the article deals with the participation of the co-operative movement in the regional integration process particularly in the Economic and Social Consultative Forum which promoted the constitution of the Specialized Meeting of Co-operatives of the Mercosur. This organ has been performing an important task in the region deserving special mention the elaboration of the project of the Statute of the Mercosur Co-operatives intended to be adopted by the national Parliaments of the member States as part of their co-operative legislation. Finally, an analysis is made both of the general aspects and particular norms of the Statute which was recently passed by the Mercosur Parliament with the aim to facilitate the constitution of transnational co-operatives within the region.

Received: 18 May 2009
Accepted: 22 June 2009
Published online: 18 December 2015


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How to Cite
Cracogna, Dante. 2009. “The Statute of Mercosur Cooperatives”. International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, no. 43 (December), 17-32.

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