The principle of autonomy and independence in the declaration on cooperative identity
After considering the meaning and novelty of the principle, the article points out its double profile: autonomy at the interior of the cooperative and independence from external agents, mainly governments and capital investors. It then goes into a historical review of the relationship between cooperatives and the State up the outcome of the ICA Centennial Congress in which the issue of the external capital (investor members) was also introduced in connection with the autonomy and independence of cooperatives. Afterwards, other aspects which can affect their independence such as the corporate governance and the State supervision are considered. The article ends stressing the importance of the constitutional and legal provisions in order to ensure the particular features of the cooperatives making a reference to the situation in the Mercosur countries.
Received: 30 January 2019
Accepted: 01 October 2019
Published online: 19 December 2019
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